Mohegan Sun February Hotlist | Page 16

Everyone wants to be the Year of the Dragon — it ’ s the coolest option , and it means you ’ re confident and enthusiastic . 1952 , 1964 , 1977 and 1988 are the lucky winners .
No , this sign doesn ’ t mean you ’ re the Greatest of All Time , but with traits like calm and gentle , you ’ re pretty close , 1955 , 1967 , 1979 and 1991 babies .
Enigmatic and wise can only be adjectives describing the snake . Keep your eyes peeled for 1953 , 1965 , 1977 and 1989 .
The Year of the Horse has occurred in 1954 , 1966 , 1978 and 1990 . If you ’ re born in those years , you ’ re animated and active .