Mohegan Sun September Hotlist | Page 5

) E N I L ( E M I T D O A GO EER! B A R FO SUN BREWFEST HAS A GREAT HISTORY AT MOHEGAN SUN, BUT BEER HAS A HISTORY THAT GOES BACK THOUSANDS OF YEARS AND AROUND THE WORLD! HERE ARE THE FAR-REACHING ORIGINS OF SOME OF YOUR FAVORITE STYLES OF BEER! SUMERIA – 3000BC: A brewer named Amarkiskar starts brewing a malt-wheat beer akin to today’s Lambic GERMANY – 1256: The city of Einbeck is founded on hop gardening, its finest beers (and imitators) will be dubbed Bock beers BAVARIA – 1400S: Monks begin brewing Lager with a special bottom-fermenting yeast IRELAND – 1759: Arthur Guinness leases a brewery for 9,000 years at £45 a year and starts brewing Porter ENGLAND – 1792: George Hodgson creates a pale ale with a higher alcohol content to survive the voyage to India… you guessed it, the first India Pale Ale